Adjuvant Pain Therapy in Fayetteville, NC
Common Questions Asked by Patients: What does adjuvant mean? What is adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy?
At Cape Fear Physical Medicine and Rehab, our medical providers are committed to help you manage pain symptoms and injuries which hold you back in life. Contact us today for more information, or simply schedule an appointment online! We are conveniently located at 1540 Purdue Dr, Ste. 200, in Fayetteville, NC 28303.

We offer adjunct therapy (or care) in addition to our primary pain management plan to maximize effectiveness. This may include medical equipment or devices to help pain. Some examples may be a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit, cervical traction or specialized bracing to reduce pain and promote function.

Additional Services You May Like
▸ Weight Loss & Wellness Program
▸ Botox for Migraine
▸ EMG Nerve Conduction Studies
▸ Epidural Steroid Injections
▸ Radiofrequency Ablation
▸ Rehabilitation Consultations
▸ Facet Injections
▸ Sacroiliac Joint Injections
▸ Joint Injections
▸ Genicular Nerve Blocks
▸ Prosthetic Evaluation/Management
▸ Adjuvant Therapy/Care
▸ Spasticity Management
▸ Stroke Treatment
▸ Multiple Sclerosis
▸ Spinal Cord Injury
▸ Traumatic Brain Injury
▸ Lifestyle Medicine

Additional Services You May Like
▸ Weight Loss & Wellness Program
▸ Botox for Migraine
▸ EMG Nerve Conduction Studies
▸ Epidural Steroid Injections
▸ Radiofrequency Ablation
▸ Rehabilitation Consultations
▸ Facet Injections
▸ Sacroiliac Joint Injections
▸ Joint Injections
▸ Genicular Nerve Blocks
▸ Prosthetic Evaluation/Management
▸ Adjuvant Therapy/Care
▸ Spasticity Management
▸ Stroke Treatment
▸ Multiple Sclerosis
▸ Spinal Cord Injury
▸ Traumatic Brain Injury
▸ Lifestyle Medicine