4 Questions to Ask About Epidural Steroid Injections
An epidural steroid injection (ESI) is a minimally invasive procedure that helps ease neck, arm, back, and leg pain brought on by irritated spinal nerves as a result of spinal stenosis or disc herniation. Cape Fear Physical Medicine and Rehab proudly provides epidural steroid injections to patients who are dealing with nerve pain and inflammation in their back or legs. Contact us today for more information, or simply schedule an appointment online! We are conveniently located at 1540 Purdue Dr, Ste. 200, in Fayetteville, NC 28303.

Table of Contents:
What are epidural steroid injections?
How long do epidural injections last?
What is the success rate of epidural steroid injections?
What are the benefits of epidural steroid injections?
Epidural steroid injections can help with numerous nerve pain conditions, including sciatica, spinal stenosis, or herniated discs. If you are dealing with any such conditions or unexplained nerve pain or inflammation in your back or leg, you may benefit from epidural steroid injections, and our medical providers at Cape Fear Physical Medicine and Rehab would be happy to assist you!
Epidural steroid injections are an effective treatment option for various conditions and disorders causing back and leg pain. With epidural steroid injections, a corticosteroid mixed with a local anesthetic is injected into the epidural space surrounding the nerve roots of the spinal cord.
The process for administering epidural steroid injections is minimally invasive and is performed under the guidance of fluoroscopy; that is, an X-ray machine helps the medical provider guide and inject the needle to the precise location. A local anesthetic is used to provide anesthesia to the skin and superficial tissues before the injection to minimize the pain. After the epidural needle is guided into the correct location, a contrast dye is injected to ensure the steroid medication will spread properly. Once it is confirmed that the dye spreads properly, the corticosteroid will be injected into the epidural space.
After the procedure, the patient can return home with assistance as sometimes you may experience some weakness on the day of the procedure. You may return to normal activities within 24 hours.
It varies from patient to patient the length of time an Epidural steroid injection lasts. With that said, it is generally recommended that patients limit epidural injections to between three to four injections per calendar year to protect the strength of their spinal bones and muscles. Your doctor can inform you of how often you should receive epidural steroid injections. Most of the time, patients start noticing the benefits of epidural steroid injections within one to three days, but some patients may have to wait for one to two weeks before seeing improvements.
While epidural steroid injections do not work for everyone all the time, they do have a high success rate when administered correctly and for the right reasons.
Epidural steroid injections can provide numerous benefits for patients! Some of these benefits include the following:
• Avoid or postpone surgery
• Excellent support for continuing physical therapy and rehabilitation
• Improved functional mobility and strength
• Limited need to rely on oral pain relief medication
• Reduced inflammation and nerve pain
If you would like to learn more about epidural steroid injections or want to make an appointment with us at Cape Fear Physical Medicine and Rehab, we would love to hear from you! Please feel welcome to call us or schedule an appointment through our website. We serve patients from Fayetteville, Fort Bragg, Hope Mills, Wade, Stedman, Lumberton, Lillington, Raeford, and Vander NC.

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